The INCA discharge data files contain a time ordered, space delimited list of INCA instrument collimator discharges. The first line of each INCA discharge file will be the column labels. There are four columns and the first is the UTC for each value. The second column, INCA_HVcurr is the INCA high voltage current monitor value in mA. The INCA_poscol_num_dis is the INCA positive collimator number of discharges and INCA_negcol_num_dis is the INCA negative collimator number of discharges. Both values are in counted discharges. Values are only recorded in the file if either the negative or positive collimator had a discharge. Typically discharges are registered on both the positive and the negative counters for a single discharge event. This is because most discharges are across the gaps between positive and negative plates. The discharges are thought to be dominated by dust hits on the high voltage deflection plates, as well as by discharge of water vapor created as previous dust hits deposited on the deflection plates evaporates, which is why discharge rates often rise when the spacecraft attitude moves the collimator/deflection system from shadow into sunlight. These discharges do not appear to have any measurable effect on the quality of the MIMI science data. They do, however, result in interference in the RPWS plasma wave data.